"All Things Are Possible With GOD "

                                                 Today's Reflection on God's Word

God is faithful. This is what the Bible, His inspired word tells us. God has a purpose for each of us as individuals. He knows each of us as individuals. If we believe and have faith, we know this by grace. He wants to show us his kindness because we are His.

We are His workmanship. He created us for good works. He is the master craftsman of our lives. What does this say. Well for those who believe, one thing it says is that God, who is good will show His goodness through us. Many people do good things to show they are good. Many people are concerned about the image they convey to others. Most want to be seen as good and attempt to show a good image by trying to do good works.

However, sometimes our attempts fail. We have good intent but we cannot make it on our own. Even with our best intention we fall from grace. But we have to remember that it is not of our own good works in and of themselves but of the good work God does in us, if we open ourselves to Him. Believe and trust He will do His good work in and through us. It is His gift to us. Why not allow God to show off his good work today? He has done a wonderful thing in you His masterpiece. If your efforts to do good works sometimes fail do not give up, just keep believing God wants to do it,He can do it, He will do it.